You want coffee to be sustainably grown.

You want coffee farmers to be better off.

You want access to high-quality production of coffee, each and every year.

Climate Smart Coffee

Buy Better Coffee

Search for Better Coffee
Build Direct Relationships

Connect and trade with coffee communities all over the world. Using web or mobile communication.

Source Sustainable
Support Coffee Farming

Contributions go directly to smallholder farmers in the form of cash and climate tools to invest in quality, production and reducing greenhouse gases.
USAID has invested in evidence-based research with Sprout

Get Verified Impact Data
Confirm The Results

The Climate Smart Coffee label tells you and your customers that you're providing for high-quality, sustianable coffee being grown around the world. Access data in your Origin account.

Transparent Origin Data

Access to Cooperative Profiles

Verified Data by Sprout

Kiawamururu cooperative profile on Climate Smart Coffee

Climate Smart Coffee Program for Farmers

Grow Better Coffee

Climate Smart Coffee programs advises farmers in specialty coffee to adapt to climate change at origin.

Coffee Roasters using Origin

Highlighted Roaster

Exilior Coffee

Specialty Kenyan Coffee

Roasters are members of Climate Smart Coffee to ensure that their coffee is being grown sustainably.

Exilior helps support more than 200 farmers at the Rui Ruiru factory in Kenya. Through their support and purchase of Rui Ruiru green coffee these Kenyan farmers have insurance coverage protecting them in case of a climate incident, and advising to help them adapt to climate change and create sustainable farming practices.

Testimonial: “As a local roaster, community is incredibly important to us, as is serving high quality coffee to our customers. Getting involved with Climate Smart Coffee shows we do both. We’re thrilled to be part of a program that’s doing good for so many people all at the same time.”

Connect with Farmers Directly

Begin with Access to Growers on Origin

Starter Membership

Climate Smart Coffee


with Climate Smart Coffee Committment

or $87/ month

$899 if billed annually

  • Access to Origin Coffee Cooperative profiles
  • Roaster Profile page on Origin
  • Searchable Database of Coffee Cooperatives
  • Sustainability Reports
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Join Now

Premium Membership

Climate Smart Coffee

$199/ month

with Climate Smart Coffee Committment

or $399/ month

$3,300 if billed annually

  • Access to Extended Origin Coffee Cooperative profiles
  • Promoted Roaster Profile page on Origin
  • Searchable Database of Coffee Cooperatives
  • Sustainability Reports
  • Direct Communication to Coffee Farmers
  • Ticket to Annual Farmer Webinar
  • Origin Purchasing Support from Sprout
  • Origin Trip Support In-Country
Join Now

Have questions? Get in touch